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Richard & Lilian Tng

Senior Pastors – Pastoral Team

Rock Worship Centre (RWC) was founded in September 2017 with a vision to build the church and teach how to worship God wholeheartedly, be on mission for Christ and prepare the church to be the Bride that is ready for the return of Jesus Christ.


Pastor Richard and Lilian Tng have been in ministry for the last 45 years. They have faithfully served in local churches in Singapore before answering God's call to move to Sydney, Australia in 2000. Their passion and gifts are in pastoral care and counselling of those who are facing marital problems, family relationships and issues adolescents encounter during their teenage years.


Richard has been involved in Teen Challenge, an organisation known as a 'half-way' house to assist men to be free from substance and behavioural addiction. He is also a great teacher of the Bible, especially on the subject relating to the return of Jesus Christ.

Lilian is the founder of Gem New Start Centre in Singapore, which is an organisation to help women in crisis. The centre assists women to leave their destructive past behind and to live a new and healthy life through God's love.


RWC also has sister churches in the Philippines. We have planted 4 churches in the city of Tacloban, Paglaum, Catarmar, and another one in the pipelines.

The greatest testimony of RWC is the mighty presence of the Holy Spirit manifesting during our Sunday worship services and intercession meetings. We strongly believe that worship delights the heart of God and we are blessed to have his favour on us in every aspect of our worship to him.


Welcome! We look forward to seeing you and pray you find a spiritual home to have deeper encounters with the Holy Spirit and find a strong community to call home.

Chelsea Lee

Head of Rockidz

Chelsea grew up in the Church and having attended Sunday school herself as a child, she knows how important it is to cultivate a love for Jesus in young hearts. The memories and lessons you learn as a child stay with you long into adulthood.


Being a Speech Pathologist, Chelsea works with children and their families on a daily basis. This has only increased her passion for children’s ministry and it has allowed her to use the gifts given by God in different areas of her life. Chelsea finds working with children extremely rewarding because you get to be a positive influence on their young lives and you are able see them grow into who God has designed them to be. She desires to see children passionate about God and this all begins with experiencing God’s love for themselves and building solid foundations.


In her spare time, Chelsea enjoys spending time with her friends and family and trying out new recipes!

Grace Manjoro

Head of Rockidz

Grace was brought up in a traditional Anglican family in Zimbabwe, Africa. She left her country in search for a better life for her son and herself. Making a tough decision in leaving her son in Zimbabwe for 8 months (he was only 10 years old then), she came alone to explore this country and to search for opportunities. All this time she kept to her faith knowing nothing else but who her God is.


Grace chanced upon RWC in 2014 and has never regretted. Her love for prayer and children has led her into the Rockidz and Intercessory Ministries. It brings her joy to see the children grow in their faith and her own faith is also stretched as she knows that God is working and fulfilling His word in Acts 2:17.


In the secular world, Grace is a registered nurse specialising in the treatment of wounds. Her passion has seen her obtaining a Grad Cert in Wound Management and a Masters in the same subject.Her favourite past times are watching movies, cooking and shopping. Whenever her busy schedule permits, she enjoys sitting on the couch and letting days go by.

Isaac Tng

Head of Worship

With a heart for serving God and a passion for true and authentic worship Isaac is currently the worship coordinator and music director at RWC. His passion is to bring authentic worship to Jesus on and off the platform through music, a spirit of excellence and relationships with people. 

Currently Isaac is a professional session musician working with high profile A-list singers/song writers and is the founder/director of his own drumming education business. His hope is to spread the gospel and show God's love into the industries that God has positioned him and to ultimately be a vessel for God's work to further the Lord's kingdom. 


Despite it being his profession, Isaac loves playing, creating, producing and directing music as well as entrepreneurial pursuits and business developments. He strongly believes that the creative and innovative nature of who God is, is applicable in all industries, businesses and organisations alike.  


Alongside of all this, Isaac enjoys spending time with his friends, family and loved ones.

Jocelyn Ong

Head of Worship

Jocelyn grew up in a Christian household in Singapore. From a young age, she enjoyed singing both in Sunday school and outside of church. When she was 11 years old, her family followed God's calling to Australia. She soon joined RWC and gradually went from leading worship in her Youth group to becoming a worship leader in the main service on Sunday. 


Worship has always been Jocelyn's favourite way to show her love and connect with God, and believes that He delights in true worship from the heart. Thus, she hopes that she will be able to encourage as many people to freely sing and dance for Him no matter how skilled or confident they are.


Outside of church, Jocelyn works as a veterinary nurse and loves taking care of the vast array of God's creation. Be careful if you start talking about animals as you might be stuck listening to her ramble about the pets she meets at work and her dog Aki!

Rock Worship Centre Inc.

Write Us

+61 4 1475 7518


13 Bridge St,

Rydalmere, NSW 2116

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